What should I do when someone dies?
Your first calls should be to friends and family, you will need support in the days ahead. Call the deceased’s medical professional. If the death is unexpected, phone 111. When you are ready, call us on 03 455 2128. We will talk you thought what you need to do.
How much does a funeral cost?
There is no easy answer as the price varies on the type of service. We can suit different budgets and often surprise people in a good way with our answers.
Does everyone need to be embalmed?
The answer is it depends. The circumstances around every death are slightly different. Sometimes it is essential and other times a simpler option will work well. Our mortuary team will assess and advise you.
Are you part of a bigger funeral company or organisation?
No. We are 100% local. We are, however, members of the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand (FDANZ) and New Zealand Independent Funeral Homes (NZIFH)
How do I do about organising a funeral pre-payment plan?